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Monday, January 16, 2012

Herbs ::

Herbs ::  
Scientific NamePterocarpus Marsupium Roxb
Common NameBijaya Sal
Diagnostic CharacterLong deciduous tree, bark rough, longitudinally
UsesHeartwood and gum astringent, analgesic. Used in diabetics. Bruised leaves are extenally used in boils sores & skin diseases.
Scientific NameSwertia Chirayita
Common NameChiraito
Diagnostic CharacterMedicinal plant of Nepal for Ayurvedic. Annual herb, stem cylindrical at the base, flowers greenish yelllow in small clusters of panicles.
UsesUses as tonic, febrifuge, stomachic, anthemintic antimalarial, antidiarrhoetic and use also for various liver problems. Parts of the plant in used to treat skin diseases like pimples and eczema.
Scientific NameSyzygium Cumini
Common NameJamun
Diagnostic CharacterLA large evergreen tree, leaves oblong - leathery, tough and smooth, flowers creamy white in trichotomous. panicle, fruit berry, shiny, purple black when ripe.
UsesUseful in bronchitis, asthma, biliousness, blood impurities, ulcer, seed used in treating diabetes.
Scientific NameSantalum album
Common NameShree Khanda
Diagnostic CharacterEvergreen about 18 meters tall and semiparasitic tree with simple leaves. Flowers is brownish red, fruit purple black. Heart wood of tree in yellowish grey with flever.
UsesHeartwood useful for blood purify, urinery problem, blood presure, pain relieve, jundice.
Scientific NameCinnamomum Glaucescens.
Common NameSugandhakokila
Diagnostic CharacterEvergreen tree 15 mt. tall, flower small, yellow, fruit globose, reddish brown when ripe. Medicinal & aromatic plants.
UsesEssential oils are used in perfumery & cosmetics. Locally it is used intreating various skin diseases.
Scientific NameAsparagus racemosus wild
Common NameKurilo
Diagnostic CharacterAn extensively branched, perennial spinous under shrub. Medicinal plant for ayurvedic.
UsesUse are refrigerant, demulcent, throat complaints , tuberculosis, leprosy, nightblindness.
Scientific NameBergenia Ciliata
Common NamePakhanvedh
Diagnostic CharacterPerennial rhizomatous herb with stout with rootstock usually found on rocky cliffs, flower white or pink, fruit a capsule.
UsesRhizomes & roots are bitter, a stringent, demulcent also use to cure fever. It is reported to be helpful in dissolving kidney stones.
Scientific NameMallotus Philippensis
Common NameSindhure
Diagnostic CharacterSmall evergreen tree, leaves ovate, flowers yellow, fruits a capsule densely covered with red or crimson yellow.
UsesRed powder of the fruit in used as anthelmintic, to heals ulcer and wounds, also used as purgative and in scabies.
Scientific NameCordyceps Sinensis
Common NameYarsa Gumba
Diagnostic CharacterIt is a genetic heritage of medicinal and aromatic plants of Nepal Himalayas. Club shaped parasitic fungus, later becoming larva after its death.
UsesTonic, aphrodisiac, cardiae tonics, expectorant, Sexual strength etc.
Scientific NameCymbopogon flexousus steud.
Common NameLemon Grass
Diagnostic CharacterEvergreen and aromatic plants with long thread like tip.
UsesUses for allergie, cold, cough, gastric, oil for cosmetic items chocolate.
Scientific NameAbrus precatorius L.
Common NameRati Gedi (Lal Gedi)
Diagnostic CharacterA winding climbers with numerous slender branches.
UsesUseful in eye disease and to cure leucoderma, itching, skin disease, seeds are put inside the eye to remove foreign particles. It is used to treat sciatica, paralysis, nervous diseases.
Scientific NameRhus javanica L.
Common NameBhakimlo
Diagnostic CharacterSmall deciduous tree, light yellowish green flowers with big bunches fruits are red brown in sour taste
Usesfruits use for diarrhoea, dysentery.

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